Thursday, October 11, 2007

Tigra, the woman with all the powers of a tiger. Oh Tigra, your pretty much just for fapping purposes aren't you. i mean come on, her hero uniform is a bikini!!


Fredrik Sibe said...

I don't know what "fapping" means but it sounds dirty and the explanations in my heads are almost always better.

Brian Wimberly said...

go with those then. its for the best really. and thanks 4 linking me man i really appreciate it

Unknown said...

However old this topic is, it ain't stopping me from putting in my two cents. Why? Why would I say something here a year later? It's because I want to tell you, Brian, how truly pathetic you are. Why do I think such a rotten thing? For one thing, Tigra is NOT just for fapping and that was a blatant attempt on fratboy like writers like Shooter, Englehart and Bendis to make her look bad. For another thing, writing her saying that "yeah I guess your right" crap? HAH! Double pathetic. The things I know of her? She's one of many characters who could be great but haven't gotten their due. And for a third thing, that you only got one comment here until now and appreciated it? PHAH! Tripe pathetic and the way you think Tig to be just for fapping purposes even if her uniform IS a bikini only proves your ignorance of the above Shooter/Englehart/Bendis stuff and much else to prove she's more and how wrong you are. I've met a lotta pathetic people on the Internet who were wrong about a lot of subjects, however major or minor, however real or fictional, in pathetic ways. And you just joined the club, Brian. Congrats. I will say it one more time, especially since such blatancy as the Bendis/Shooter/Englehart mentioned above should be as obvious as any blantancy, and since this is all tommy rot bull to me like it was with many on the internet on various subjects who were similar like this. YOU ARE PATHETIC, BRIAN. YOU ARE PATHETIC. And you even drew that picture pathetically. Way to make it a pathetically perfect fit, pathetic one.