Thursday, November 29, 2007

i like Stormhawks, there i said it! the scrawny bodies and large awkward mouths amuse me, to that end i have created an image of one of my favorite character that in my opinion doesn't get enough play, Ravess, i kind of Double S'd her up but u get the point.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Tales of Yellow and White - Pages 9 and 10

ok so here are 9 &10 sorry im super late got side tracked with numerous other things but im back on track now. there are only 2 pages left wish me luck.


Monday, November 12, 2007

Tales of Yellow and White - Page 8

here you go page 8. only 4 pages to go hope you're enjoying it so far. still on the look out for good web space kind of leaning toward webcomic nation right now mainly because i know someone who posts there. in any case the hunt is still on. wish me luck

- laters


Thursday, November 8, 2007

hey gang sorry about the crap resolution on this strip but i was putting in the tones on photoshop and the damn thing froze on me. i waited about 2 hours for it to correct itself before taking a screen capture and giving up. anyway enjoy this for now and i'll hit you with a full color version later (and maybe i'll redraw the hospital), as for me its like twelve and i have a replacements/kim possible block to watch before turning in. laters

pro tip: save early and save often folks. "sigh"

Monday, November 5, 2007

Tales of Yellow and White - Page 7

hey gang here's page 7! now normally if i dont post pictures all week i post 2 pages but i've been sick all week so i don't have anything to post anyway, sorry.

still looking around for web space and i should have it figured out by the time i get ready to start the next issue. laters